AERA Annual Meeting in Washington alt

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Developing an Inclusive and Democratic Educational System: A Task for All Teachers, Including Subject Teachers

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The project TdiverS was presented at AERA Annual Meeting in Washington (American Educational Research Association)


This research project, TdiverS, is thoroughly international and multicultural; conducted in collaboration with teaching professionals and researchers. The partners come from six different countries; Germany, Iceland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Sweden, and Spain. The purpose of the research and network project TdiverS – “Teaching Diverse Learners in (School-) Subjects” is to collect information on subject teaching in inclusive classrooms and compare these across a range of European countries. We bring together practitioners and researchers for exchange on teaching in inclusive settings and base the project on diversity in theory and practice. The aim is to strengthen the awareness of the diversity of frameworks, conditions and determining factors for teaching in inclusive ways.

Mon, April 11, 7:45 to 9:15am, Convention Center, Level Two, Exhibit Hall D Section C


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